Mattress Shopping Tips for Back Pain Sufferers

Considering that the average person spends around a third of each day sleeping, mattresses play a big role in your comfort. An old and worn out mattress can make existing back, shoulder and neck problems worse. In some cases, it could be the culprit for your pain. Knowing how to shop for a quality mattress helps you address your back pain while you rest:

1. Look for a mattress with back support

When you begin to search for a mattress, you’ll find that there are many different types available. Some mattresses are designed for side sleepers. Others are meant for people who have significant back pain. Prioritizing back support in a mattress helps you to avoid having your spine curve in the wrong ways while you sleep. The right level of back support will vary according to your preferences, but you should feel as though your spine stays in good alignment when you lay down on the mattress.

2. Inquire about inner springs

As you try to find a mattress with back support, you’ll also want to know that the materials and design make a difference in how well your spine stays in alignment. You’ll find mattresses today that are solely made of layers of foam, which might be fine for some people. However, you might do better with a mattress that is made with inner springs if you have back, shoulder or neck pain. Asking about inner springs helps you to start looking directly at mattresses that provide more back support than those that are just a couple layers of foam. You’ll also find that inner springs have come a long way compared to the metal ones that used to poke through the surface of mattresses in the past. Modern inner springs are made from gentler materials that are often covered in layers of padding, so that your back stays supported and you feel comfortable throughout the night.

3. Replace old mattresses

People often try to use their mattress long after its lifespan. Most modern mattresses are designed to last around seven to 10 years. However, they may need to be replaced sooner if you notice that the surface you sleep on is starting to develop deep divots or ridges. Mattresses that can be damaged during a move or for other reasons will also need to be replaced as soon as possible. You’ll also want to make sure to start with a brand new mattress. Used mattresses have often already conformed to the previous owners body, which means that it won’t provide much support for your back.

4. Strike a balance between support and comfort

In most cases, you’ll need a mattress that falls between medium-firm and firm to provide you with strong back support. If you’ve always slept on extremely soft mattresses in the past, then it might take a brief adjustment period to get used to having so much back support. The best strategy is to look for the right balance between firmness and your overall comfort. While you might need to get accustomed to sleeping on a firmer mattress, you’ll begin to notice the benefits when you wake up refreshed and with less pain.

Finding the perfect mattress is the first step towards relieving your pain. Now, you’ll want to make sure to keep it in good condition. Using a mattress protector helps to prevent unnecessary staining and wear. You’ll also want to follow the recommendations for rotating or flipping your mattress to help keep your back in proper alignment.

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