Seasonal allergies cause recurring respiratory issues that can make life uncomfortable for those that suffer from them. The condition happens when people are sensitive to environmental triggers like pollen, grass, or flowers. The results typically mean a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing, however those with severe allergies can develop asthma. An allergic reaction may seem unstoppable, but you can reduce or eliminate the problem by changing how eat. Here are four common foods that have the potential to help:
1. Eliminate inflammation with fatty fish
Allergic reactions occur when the immune system is not functioning at its best. Inflammation is a common cause of immune system dysfunction. An allergy can begin or worsen when the immune system acts up. Dysfunctional immune systems can overreact and cause the individual to develop asthma. Fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and boost immune system health to keep it working as it should. A healthy immune system will increase the ability of the body to withstand exposure to more allergens without a reaction.
2. Stop wheezing with tree nuts
Certain tree nuts, like almonds, can also help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. People with an allergy to any nut should avoid this option, but everyone else may find them beneficial. Nuts contain magnesium that can reduce wheezing that often accompanies an allergic reaction and can reduce other allergic responses. Almonds also have high levels of vitamin E, which reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system.
3. Reduce allergic reactions with avocado
Avocados help with seasonal allergies because they also contain plenty of magnesium. The benefits from avocados can equal that of tree nuts. Some people may need to avoid this option because avocadoes may also cause allergic reactions. Avocados contain histamine, which can cause inflammation in the body and produce reactions. The people most at risk of an avocado allergy are those sensitive to birch pollen.
4. Gain multiple benefits with garlic
Garlic may be the most beneficial food for allergy sufferers. The seasoning is a natural antihistamine that can help to reduce allergy symptoms and boost immune system health. Unlike other products, it does not act only as a boost for the body. It can also actively attack and remove allergens from the system. The product also works as a decongestant when crushed by releasing allicin to relieve stuffiness and pressure in the sinuses by thinning mucus. Crushing and inhaling the aroma once or twice a day is an effective congestion treatment.
You should consume the items listed two or three times a week as part of a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. This method can give the body the boost it needs to avoid seasonal allergy symptoms. Another tip includes staying hydrated to keep mucus thin and prevent congestion in the sinuses and lungs. Avoid processed foods and sugar that may increase inflammation and undo the benefits of healthy eating.