When you let your pet go outdoors one thing you should always consider is flea and tick prevention for pets. Fleas and ticks are annoying parasites that can irritate your beloved pet and can be hard to get rid of. That is why prevention is key in protecting your pet. Here is the most natural tick and flea prevention in dogs and cats:
1. Flea and tick deterring plants
If your pet spends a lot of time in your garden some plants you can grow will protect them from getting fleas or ticks. Some examples of plants that deter fleas or ticks are chamomile, rosemary, thyme, lavender, sage, mint, and catnip. Simply grow these plants in your garden and keep those pesky parasites away.
2. Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is a non-poisonous substance that causes insects to dry out and die. It does this by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect’s exoskeleton; it has sharp edges that help speed up the process. It can be effective within anywhere from 24 hours to five days.
3. Dish soap
While this isn’t the most effective method on this list it can definitely help in combination with other methods. Dawn dish soap helps kill fleas by making them no longer buoyant so that they drown in the water and soap when giving your pet a bath. Be careful bathing a cat however, as the water will destroy the natural oils in their coat.
4. Lemon
To combat fleas and ticks, combine equal parts lemon juice and water and spritz your pets fur all over. A lot of natural flea sprays contain citrus extract which contains D-limonene, so by using lemon juice you’re saving the money of buying expensive branded spray. Fleas especially can’t stand lemon juice so by spraying lemon water on your pet you can help get rid of fleas fast.
5. Baking soda
Baking soda is a great way to kill fleas and tick eggs and larvae which can prevent the infestation from growing out of control. If you mix baking soda with salt you can further help to dehydrate the adult ticks and fleas as well. Baking soda mixed with water can help relieve itchy skin on your pet which can be a relief if they have been itchy for a while.