Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer in men. It usually progresses slowly and grows gradually, so it is common for it to go undetected for a long time. This is often why it is so difficult to treat. But it’s not too late to learn about its major warning signs and find it early. Here are some early warning symptoms of prostate cancer to watch out for:

1. Lower back pain

Some men experience lower back pain or stiffness in the mornings, especially when sitting in bed or standing up after sitting for a long time. The pain can be worse when you go to the bathroom. Pain or pressure in your lower back may be due to a tumor pressing on nerves.

2. Loss of bladder control

This symptom is called post-micturition dribbling. It’s more common when the bladder empties a small amount at each contraction. Weak flow can cause urine to dribble. Burning or pain during urination can mean you have an infection in your urinary tract or bladder stones. Tumors can also cause it in the gland that presses on the bladder.

3. Frequent urges to urinate at night

For men with prostate cancer, the symptoms include urinating more often at night than usual, urinating in a stream rather than a trickle, or waking up to urinate. In addition, a tumor can push on the urethra and make it hard to hold your urine, which is why you might need to go more frequently at night.

4. Blood in urine or semen

Trace blood in urine (known as hematuria) or semen could be a symptom of a benign prostate lump. However, it is important to have it investigated. A urologist can help by reviewing your symptoms and medical history, doing a digital rectal exam, and analyzing a urine sample. Blood in the semen can also be a symptom of cancer. A tumor can press on the urethra and injure it, which can cause bleeding.

5. Urethral discharge

Urethral discharge is a clear, yellowish, or greenish fluid that comes out of the penis without sexual stimulation. This can either be caused by infection or by cancer. If you experience urethral discharge and discomfort, see a doctor immediately. The discharge may also have a strong odor.

6. Ejaculation issues

Painful ejaculation, or retrograde ejaculation, is when semen comes back into the bladder instead of straight out of the penis. This is the most common sign of prostate cancer because the tumor can press on the urethra. Erectile dysfunction is another symptom; however, this can also be caused by other factors, such as medication side effects or an underlying health problem, so it is important to visit your doctor to determine the cause.

7. Difficulty urinating

If you have trouble urinating—hesitancy, sudden urges, and dribbling after you go—you could have an enlarged gland or something more serious. A urologist can help by reviewing your symptoms and medical history, doing a digital rectal exam, and analyzing a urine sample. You may also need to urinate more often and with less force.

Prostate cancer can be slow-growing, and you may not notice any symptoms. But if you notice any of these warning signs, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your symptoms. Pay attention to its warning signs to help manage your health and increase your lifespan.

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