5 Natural Remedies for Neuropathy

Neuropathy occurs when the peripheral nerves are damaged, typically in the brain and spinal cord. Patients with neuropathy may have issues such as numbness, tingling sensations, shooting pain, and weakness. The causes of neuropathy are varied and include diabetes, endocrine disorders, autoimmune disorders, and other inflammatory diseases. The following will highlight five natural remedies for neuropathy:

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment that involves healing by stimulating the body’s pressure points. These pressure points are where nerves travel through and can be stimulated to help with the pain. The best part about acupuncture is that it can be used as a preventative treatment or a way to treat neuropathy. This method is used in hospitals and clinics, so it’s easy to stop yourself from experiencing the symptoms of neuropathy again.

2. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is the main ingredient in many anti-inflammatory smoothies and can help ease pain from neuropathy. The pepper contains capsaicin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. It helps reduce pain and swelling, so adding a bit of cayenne powder to any food or beverage you’re preparing is recommended. The best way to get the benefits of capsaicin is by eating foods prepared with it, such as hot peppers or cayenne powder. Most recipes use seeds or leaves, so the amount of capsaicin added to the dish is negligible. Be careful when consuming hot peppers because they can cause stomach aches or burning pain if ingested in large amounts.

3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oils have been used since ancient times to help people relax and relieve pain. Lavender oil is mainly made of lavender and can be enjoyed in a few different forms, but specialized versions are also available for those suffering from neuropathy. It can be found in massage oils, diffusers, and soaps with the scent added to them. Lavender essential oil is much like peppermint essential oil but uses flowers that produce fats instead of leaves.

4. Warm baths

A warm bath will increase blood flow to the nerve and improve neuropathy symptoms. It helps soothe the nerve and relaxes the muscles, easing pain from this disease. Taking a warm shower is recommended because it will provide similar results without being as rough on your body. If a person wishes for more comfort, soaking in warm water for twenty minutes daily can help with neuropathy. This is because the heat can stimulate blood flow, causing oxygen and nutrients to reach the damaged nerves. Additives can also be added to the water to help with inflammation.

5. B vitamins

Vitamin B possesses excellent anti-inflammatory properties, which can be used to soothe neuropathic pain. A good dose of vitamin B would be 400 mg daily in divided doses. Vitamin B can also be found in foods such as eggs and fish, but people suffering from neuropathy may need a higher dose than usual to ward off the symptoms of this disease. A supplement form of vitamin B is recommended because high amounts of B vitamins can be found in foods, and it is hard to get the needed amount. It also helps stop tingling, muscle weakness, and decreased reflexes.

Neuropathy is a painful condition for many people. You should visit your doctor and see what else you can do to alleviate the pain. Avoiding dehydration, working out regularly, and getting regular checkups with your doctor can help ease the pain of neuropathy.

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