Foods That Worsen Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Acid reflux is a group of symptoms caused by stomach acid leaking into the esophagus causing symptoms of gas, indigestion, and heartburn. If you suffer from acid reflux, your doctor may have told you to keep certain foods to a minimum. Once you do, you should notice a decrease in your heartburn symptoms. However, if acid reflux symptoms persist, or if you suffer from severe or recurring heartburn, see your doctor immediately:

1. Spicy foods

Spicy foods like hot sauce, wings, and chili can cause your stomach to produce gastric juices, which makes it even harder to digest food. Avoid eating salsa if you have acid reflux because you’ll have a painful time swallowing it. Instead of making your salsa, buy milder brands or skip it altogether. If you love tacos, fill them with lettuce and salsa-free toppings like guacamole and sour cream instead.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine is an acidic liquid that can cause an acid reflux flare-up. It’s very difficult to avoid it, since it’s in everything these days. Drinking a glass of water with your coffee or having a cup of tea instead is the best way to solve this problem. If you’re unaccustomed to drinking decaffeinated coffee or tea, add a little bit of regular coffee or black tea to the bottom of your cup and fill it with water. It will take some getting used to, but you’ll quickly get over the taste and notice that acid reflux is less severe.

3. Fried and fatty foods

Fried foods are high in trans fat, which makes them even harder to digest than they already are. Eating fatty foods will make your stomach produce a lot more acid and can trigger reflux. The most delicious foods might be the worst for you. Don’t gorge on fatty food if you’ve had a crummy day. Eat small portions of low-fat food instead. You’ll still feel satisfied and less likely to suffer from acid reflux symptoms later on.

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are very healthy and help provide your body with vitamin C, but they can cause acid reflux. In addition, they have a supersaturated amount of citric acid, which causes stomach pain. The best way to avoid this is to steer clear of tomato-based products. That means avoiding ketchup in all its forms, salsa, spaghetti sauce, and pizza sauce.

5. Chocolate

Chocolate makes the list because it is loaded with fat and sugar. Sugar makes your reflux much worse. Fat can also contribute to indigestion issues, so although delicious; it should be eaten in moderation.

6. Citrus fruits

These are great for flavoring many foods, but this is not the part of the fruit you want. A citrus fruit has a high amount of citric acid that can cause stomach irritation and acid reflux. That’s why you should ignore citrus juice. Of course, you shouldn’t eat oranges and lemons in any form.

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