5 Shaving Tips for Smoother, Healthier Skin

If shaving is part of your beauty routine, chances are, things haven’t always gone smoothly for you. From nics and cuts to painful and itchy razor burn, keeping our skin smooth isn’t always a walk in the park. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can minimize these problems, without having to sacrifice that freshly shaven feeling:

1. Shave in the shower

Dry shaving is a big no-no, whether you have sensitive skin or not. It increases the risk of cutting yourself and is more irritating to the skin. You could slab on a quick coat of shave gel the second you hop in, but it’s better if your skin has time to soften first. Staying in the shower or bath for ten minutes before you shave makes the process more effective. This is because the warm water opens your pores and softens your body hair.

2. Use an exfoliator

Ever notice your razor dulling faster than it should? There could be a buildup of dead skin cells clogging the head. To keep razors sharp and skin free from ingrown hairs, always exfoliate before shaving. This will also help you get a closer, smoother shave.

3. Change razor blades often

For some people, using disposable razors is a convenient and irritation-free way to shave. As long as you dispose of your razors within a few uses, your skin should be fine. For many others, however, their skin is simply too sensitive for a disposable razor. Reusable razor blades can cut down on skin irritation, but only if you change them often. Even if the blade still shaves well, throw it out in lieu of a new one if you notice any gunk or buildup. This debris can introduce bacteria straight into your open pores, creating infections.

4. Moisturize after shaving

Shaving tends to dry out your skin, for a few reasons. Hot water is drying to the skin, and since most people shave in hot water to soften and prep their skin, it’s almost guaranteed you’re losing moisture during your shave. The shaving process may also create friction and chafing, especially if your skin was already dry. Applying a high-quality lotion right after shaving and once daily for a few days after will reduce chafing and irritation.

5. Use a moisturizing shave gel

Have you been using soap to shave? Consider making the switch to a moisturizing shave gel instead. Most soaps have a drying effect, making shaving less effective and harsher on the skin. Using a gel that’s specially formulated for shaving and has added moisturizers in it will leave your skin healthy. If you are out of gel you can swap to a conditioner in its place in a pinch. Just try to steer clear of conditioners with strong fragrances or other potentially irritating ingredients.

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