6 Foods That Help Ease Menopause

Menopause happens when women stop having their period over a series of 12 months. There are many side affects with menopause such as menopausal sleep disturbances, and aside from putting into practice relaxation techniques, and participating in HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) for menopause, it can feel like there’s not much else you can do. However, that isn’t the case. There are many lifestyle and eating habits you can adopt to make going through menopause easier. Some foods that can help ease menopause are:

1. Dark green leafy vegetables

These vegetables, especially spinach and kale, can lead to a large reduction in physical menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances. In addition, cruciferous vegetables like these are great for heart health and can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. They also have a positive effect on estrogen levels and can lower the risk of getting breast cancer in menopausal women.

2. Fatty fish

Fatty fish, like salmon and mackerel, are high in omega-3 fatty acids which can decrease the frequency of hot flashes by keeping blood pressure levels in check as well as decrease the intensity of night sweats. It is also amazing for improving brain functioning and elevating mood. Fish are also a healthy source of protein which can help your muscles stay healthy and strong as you go through menopause.

3. Flax and chia seeds

Flax and chia seeds can help improve the quality of life of menopausal women by improving mood and brain function due to their high levels of omega-3s. They can also decrease the frequency and intensity of night sweats and hot flashes much like fatty fish. Flax seeds in particular can help increase estrogen levels in women.

4. Milk

Milk and other dairy products are full of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and vitamins D and K. All of these nutrients are helpful in increasing bone health. Having good bone health is beneficial during menopause as the decreased amount of estrogen can increase the risk of bone fractures. Milk may also help to improve sleep according to studies, which can be helpful when dealing with sleep disturbances. In addition, consuming dairy such as milk leads to a decreased risk of premature menopause.

5. Whole grains

Whole grains such as oats, wheat, millet, barley, brown rice, and more are full of heart healthy nutrients that is beneficial for menopausal women. For example, whole grains are a great source of fiber which can help with keeping bowel movements regular. They also are high in B vitamins which can help menopausal women improve their mood.

6. Broccoli

Dark, cruciferous vegetables contain nutrients that help sustain a healthy hormone balance. Broccoli, in particular, has been shown to have a positive effect on estrogen levels and can reduce the risk of menopausal women getting breast cancer. This vegetable is also very high in calcium which can help keep bones strong and healthy.

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