Telltale Signs of Food Allergies in Dogs

Every pet parent wants the best for their beloved companion. Unfortunately, food allergy symptoms in dogs often cause them to feel less than their best. In some cases, the allergy can severely debilitate the overall health of your dog. The thing that is truly frightening is that you might not even know that the food is the problem. Even the best pet owners often struggle to find the exact cause of their pet’s health problems. Tracking down a specific allergy takes time, meaning you might be feeding your pet the food that’s causing the problem without realizing what is happening. Here are the things you should look for if you suspect that your dog has a food allergy:

1. Hives

If your dog is suffering from a food allergy, he or she might break out in hives all over the body after eating the food in question. The problem is, it can be difficult to see whether or not this is actually occurring if you have a dog that has a great deal of hair. If you see your dog scratching uncontrollably after eating, take note of it in order to see whether or not it happens again. If it does, there is a better than average chance that your dog is suffering from hives.

2. Hot spots

If you’re a brand new pet owner, you might not yet be familiar with hot spots. Rest assured, you will definitely be able to recognize the condition after you have a dog that suffers from them. Typically, it involves a certain area or areas of the skin which become inflamed as a result of an allergy. The skin usually becomes red and hot to the touch. In some cases, the hair will fall out around that particular area. In almost every case, your dog will be almost constantly biting or licking this area because it’s quite painful.

3. Hair loss from biting or licking

Even without the presence of hot spots, allergies often cause your dog to bite or lick. If they consistently bite or lick a particular area, it isn’t at all uncommon to see hair loss as a direct result of it. It’s also worth noting that they sometimes have a tendency to lick the air for several minutes at a time. Alternatively, they might obsessively lick or bite their paws. All of these things are signs of an allergic reaction.

4. Appetite changes

If your dog is suffering from an allergy, he or she may lose their appetite. If your dog is normally excited about feeding time and then suddenly stops wanting to eat the food being presented, it might be because of an allergy. That is especially true when appetite changes happen in conjunction with some of the other issues you’ve already read about.

5. Weight changes

Along with appetite changes, you might notice that your dog is losing weight. If you’re having problems getting your dog to eat, it only makes sense that weight loss is going to occur. This is especially true if the problem has been going on for an extended period of time. While changes in weight can be caused by many different things, it’s important to consider whether or not it could potentially be due to a food allergy.

6. Stomach upset

If you’re feeding your dog something that he or she is allergic to, don’t be surprised if your pet begins suffering from an upset stomach. As a direct result, you might also notice vomiting and diarrhea. Typically, these types of symptoms begin to take place within a few hours after eating the food in question. If you notice your dog having an upset stomach quite frequently, you might consider switching to a different food in order to see if that helps.

Now that you know what to watch for, you can help your dog by recognizing the signs and symptoms of food allergies. By acting quickly, you can help your pet live a healthier life that you both can enjoy.

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