According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hepatitis C is a severe and contagious liver disease that can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Each year, an estimated 2.7 million people in the United States are infected with the virus. Most people with hepatitis C don’t know they have it because it often doesn’t cause symptoms until the disease is more advanced. That’s why it’s essential to be aware of the early warning signs of hepatitis C so you can get treatment as soon as possible. Keep reading to learn more about the early warning signs of hepatitis C:
1. Fatigue
Tiredness and fatigue are common symptoms of hepatitis C. You may feel exhausted all the time or have difficulty completing everyday tasks. Fatigue is often one of the first signs of hepatitis C, and it can persist even after you’ve been treated for the virus.
2. Sore muscles
Whenever your muscles become inflamed or sore, it’s a sign that something is wrong. If you have hepatitis C, you may experience muscle pain, and inflammation as your liver tries to fight off the virus. This symptom is often worse in the morning and may improve as the day goes on.
3. Joint pains
Pain in the joints is another common symptom of hepatitis C. You may notice that your joints feel achy, stiff, or inflamed. Like arthritis, joint pain from hepatitis C is usually worse in the morning and may improve as the day progresses. Also, like arthritis, the pain may come and go or may be constant.
4. Fever
Another critical symptom of hepatitis C is a fever. If your body temperature is consistently above normal (usually 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher), it’s a sign that something is wrong. A fever may be one of the first signs of hepatitis C, or it may develop later as the disease progresses.
5. Nausea or poor appetite
Reduced appetite and nausea are common symptoms of hepatitis C. You may notice that you feel like you need to try to eat or that you’re losing weight. Nausea and poor appetite can be caused by various factors, including the virus itself and the side effects of treatment.
6. Abdominal pain
Stomach pain is another common symptom of hepatitis C. You may feel pain in your upper abdomen and on the right side under your ribs. The pain may be dull and constant or sharp and come and go. It may worsen after eating or when you lie down. If you experience abdominal pain, it could be a sign that something is wrong, and you should see a doctor.
7. Dark urine
The color of urine is usually a good indicator of liver health. If your urine is dark yellow or brown, it’s a sign that your liver isn’t functioning properly. Dark urine can be a symptom of hepatitis C, but it can also be a symptom of other liver diseases so it is best to see a doctor to determine the cause.
8. Itchy skin
Itchy skin is another common symptom of hepatitis C. The itchiness may be mild and only bother you occasionally, or it may be severe and constant. Skin itchiness manifests from liver damage caused by the virus. If you have hepatitis C and notice that your skin is itchy, you should see a doctor immediately.
These are just some of the early warning signs of hepatitis C. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away. The sooner you’re diagnosed, the sooner you can start treatment and improve your chances of a full recovery.