Telltale Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer kills more men and women than any other type of cancer in the United States, including breast cancer for women. Smokers are at incredibly high risk for developing lung cancer. However, lung cancer is not limited to smokers; anyone can get lung cancer. If you have any of the following symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor. Early discernment is key to the successful treatment of lung cancer:

1. Frequent respiratory infections

While it may not be the immediate thing that comes to mind, frequently recurring respiratory infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia this may indicate lung cancer, particularly in smokers or those with a history of exposure to harmful chemicals.

2. Feeling tired all the time

Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness that isn’t relieved by rest. It can be an early symptom of lung cancer, often appearing before other more well-known symptoms like a cough or weight loss. Pay attention to your body and if you are experiencing fatigue it may be best to contact a healthcare professional.

3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath happens when the cancerous tumor in the lung blocks the airway. The airway is the path air takes as it goes in and out of the lungs. It may also happen if cancer spreads to other body parts and presses on the chest wall or nerves.

4. Wheezing

Wheezing is a common symptom of lung cancer, which can signify that the disease is progressing. Wheezing occurs when cancerous tumors block the airways, making it hard for air to undulate in the lungs. In some cases, wheezing can also be caused by inflammation or fluid buildup in the lungs. While wheezing is often harmless, it can be a sign that cancer is present and should be investigated by a doctor.

5. Hoarseness

Hoarseness is a common symptom of lung cancer due to the tumor pressing on the nerves that control the vocal cords. It may also be caused by other problems in the respiratory system, such as allergies, infection, or acid reflux.

6. Chest pain and tightness

Chest pain or tightness is a severe symptom that should not be ignored. Early spotting and treating lung cancer can improve the prognosis and quality of life for anyone affected by the disease. That is why you should take persistent chest pain and tightness seriously.

7. Unexplained weight loss

People with lung cancer may lose weight for several reasons. Cancer may cause appetite loss, or the person may be too tired to eat. Cancer treatments can also contribute to the loss of weight. Chemotherapy can lead to nausea and vomiting, while radiation therapy can result in fatigue and decreased appetite. If you lose weight without trying, you must speak to your doctor.

8. Chronic cough that won’t go away

A cough is a common symptom of lung cancer, but it is essential to remember that not all coughs are cause for concern. However, a persistent or worsening cough could be a sign of lung cancer.

9. Coughing up blood

Coughing up blood is a symptom of lung cancer, which can signify that the cancer has metastasized (spread) to other body parts. If you are coughing up blood, you must see a doctor immediately to determine the cause. Coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum can also be a symptom of other conditions, such as pneumonia or bronchitis, so getting a proper diagnosis is essential.

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